Save Energy Smart Energy

Uninterrupted Power for the development of a Smart Future


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Energy is the source of power, the power which is consumed by human-beings, machines, etc. Energy has mainly two kinds, which are renewable and non-renewable sources of energy. In this project, Paradiso Software Solutions has emphasized the renewable source of energy and channelized the smart ideas generated through it where you get intelligent energy control that lets you monitor the electricity usage and control energy consumption.


Smart Meter

When it comes to energy consumption it gets separated into technical and non-technical sources of energy. So, let’s accentuate the technical source which includes electricity theft, energy dissipation and a lot more.

In the case of power theft, India loses billions of rupees because of the unlawful usage of electricity and unpaid bills. The electricity boards are in a huge loss, and the estimate says that half the revenue is realized. To conquer this threat the government of India introduced Smart Meter to replenish the losses in a manner to make India Smarter and Digital.

The digital meters are embedded with such technology that keeps track of your daily consumption accordingly. Smart meters reduce electricity theft and increase the tendency of genuine users, which eventually push the bar of annual revenue.

The Extraordinary benefits Smart Meter catering:

  • Reducing unwanted energy consumption
  • You can operate it remotely, and exemption from manual reading
  • Help governments execute liberalisation of energy markets
  • Supporting green energy and making a contribution in smart India
  • It facilitates prepaid billing, which help manage unpaid bills issues
Solar and Wind Energy

Solar and Wind Energy

While the whole world is looking for sustainable and energy-efficient solutions to make Earth greener for us and upcoming generations, the only viable option that lies right ahead of us is utilizing renewable energy to the maximum efficiency possible. Our mother earth already has given a natural source of energy in the form of Solar energy and wind energy. There are many others but these two are consuming at high range. Most of the rural areas having a lack of energy supply, they encounter power cut issues daily. To overcome this issue solar and wind sources of energy are helping a lot fulfilling the need in education, village development, and agriculture field. Several machines and pumps are catering to smart technology to enhance the productivity and growth rate of farming.

Devices offered in solar and wind source of energy:

  • Photo-voltaic generators
  • Photo-voltaic Mobile Units
  • Solar Mowers and Tractors
  • Automatic Pumps

Smart Grid

The world is working with a speed of light, and consuming energy on a high scale, renewable energy is the only source that helps replenish the need. In our daily routine, we are surrounded by energy for any work we need.

It is the system that develops a network of transmission lines, equipment, control and new technologies working together to respond immediately to our demands of the 21st century.

It can manage your daily usage of electricity and take a record of your consumption according to the appliances available. You can regulate it through mobile, tv, or any smart device. With the help of Smart Grid, the system will consume your residual energy and make it useful for others.

You can explore several benefits in Smart Grid:

  • More productive transmission of electricity
  • Quicker restoration of electricity after power disruptions
  • Reduced peak demands, which will also help reduce electricity rates
  • Upgraded integration of large-scale renewable energy systems
Smart Grid
Smart Homes, Offices

Smart Homes, Offices

Everything is running under technology, which is making everything convenient for users. With the passing time smart is becoming the next thing, which mainly includes homes and offices.

A smart home is a convenient setup where appliances and devices can be automatically controlled remotely with internet-connection at any place around the world. It can be controlled by any device like mobile or other networked devices. By the use of the smart home device, the user can take a look at

different functions and control security access to the temperature, lighting, and home theater.

On the other hand, smart offices are also understanding and embracing the new standard of a more agile and interconnected workforce. The implementation of the smart process into the system really helps employees to groom their ability and productivity.

  • You can manage your devices from one place
  • It maximizing home and office security
  • Less worry while vacationing
  • Scrutinize office activities from anywhere

Digital Transformation, Application Maintenance & Custom Development

Get updated with current trends in line with security and technology. Undergo digital transformation with up to date cutting-edge technology applications, which makes every task easy to handle. No hassles if you are using a different application or want something customized. Application implementation, customization, integration or just simple support we are just a call away. We are helping to revolutionize the entire technical platform where you can explore more and get the best out of it.

There are some aspects you can explore:

  • HRMS
  • ERP
  • Portal/Intranet
  • eLearning
  • Document Management System
  • e-Signature, survey platforms
  • Digitization of paper processes
Digital Transformation, Application Maintenance & Custom Development

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    Establish goals and incorporate them into your operations with Paradiso’s Smart Energy